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- ; PSPad clip definition file for AutoMod
- ; author: Sven Oros
- ; last revision 22.12.2005 14:33:49
- ;
- [Macro definition]
- %proc%=@E Procedure name:,,,,
- %sub%=@E Subroutine name:,,,,
- %func%=@E Function name:,,,,
- %beschr%=@E Beschreibung:,,,,
- ;
- %param1%=@E Parameter1:,,,,
- %param2%=@E Parameter2:,,,,
- %param3%=@E Parameter3:,,,,
- %param4%=@E Parameter4:,,,,
- %param1Type%=@C Parameter1 Type:,,,;integer;real;string;loadPtr,
- %param2Type%=@C Parameter2 Type:,,,;integer;real;string;loadPtr,
- %param3Type%=@C Parameter3 Type:,,,;integer;real;string;loadPtr,
- %param4Type%=@C Parameter4 Type:,,,;integer;real;string;loadPtr,
- %paramDesc1%=@E Parameter1 Description:,,,,
- %paramDesc2%=@E Parameter2 Description:,,,,
- %paramDesc3%=@E Parameter3 Description:,,,,
- %paramDesc4%=@E Parameter4 Description:,,,,
- ;
- %author%=@E Author Name:,,,,
- %date%=@D Date:,,,,
- ;****************************************
- ; process, subroutines, functions
- ;****************************************
- [begin procedure | creates a new arriving procedure]
- /*****************************************************
- Procedure: %proc%
- Author: %UserName%
- Date: %date%
- Beschreibung: %beschr%
- *****************************************************/
- begin %proc% arriving procedure
- |
- end /* %proc%, by %UserName% */
- [begin subroutine | creates a new subroutine]
- /*****************************************************
- Subroutine: %sub%
- Author: %UserName%
- Date: %date%
- Beschreibung: %beschr%
- *****************************************************/
- begin %sub% procedure
- |
- end /* %sub%, by %UserName% */
- [begin function | creates a new function]
- /*****************************************************
- Function: %func%
- Author: %UserName%
- Parameters:
- %param1% (%param1Type%): %paramDesc1%
- %param2% (%param2Type%): %paramDesc2%
- %param3% (%param3Type%): %paramDesc3%
- %param4% (%param4Type%): %paramDesc4%
- Date: %date%
- Beschreibung: %beschr%
- *****************************************************/
- begin %func% function
- |
- return 0
- end /* %func%, by %UserName% */
- ;
- ;
- ;
- [begin model initialization function | function called after model is loaded and before it gets ready]
- /*****************************************************
- Function: Model initialization function
- Author: %UserName%
- Date: %date%
- *****************************************************/
- begin model initialization function
- |
- return true
- end /* Model initialization function, by %UserName% */
- ;
- [begin model ready function | function called if model is ready]
- /*****************************************************
- Function: Model ready function
- Author: %UserName%
- Date: %date%
- *****************************************************/
- begin model ready function
- |
- return true
- end /* Model ready function, by %UserName% */
- ;
- [begin model nextclock function | function called if model steps to next clock]
- /*****************************************************
- Function: Model NextClock function
- Author: %UserName%
- Date: %date%
- *****************************************************/
- begin model nextclock function
- |
- return true
- end /* Model NextClock function, by %UserName% */
- ;
- [begin model finished function | function called if model terminates]
- /*****************************************************
- Function: Model finished function
- Author: %UserName%
- Date: %date%
- *****************************************************/
- begin model finished function
- |
- return true
- end /* Model finished function, by %UserName% */
- ;
- [call |R calles a function]
- call F_|
- [if | if statement]
- if | then begin
- º
- end
- ;
- [else | else statement]
- else begin
- º|
- end
- ;
- [order | order loads from an orderlist]
- order º| from OL_
- to continue
- [print | print to message]
- print | to message
- ;